README GlobColour Tools, Version 1.4.7 June 15, 2007 ============================================================================= 1. What is it? ============================================================================= This is a set of tools for the GlobColour project written in the Java language. The tools currently include the - Match-up Extraction Tool used to extract match-ups from a table of in-situ measurements and a set of GlobColour DDS files - BEAM Product Reader plug-in used to ingest the GlobColour NetCDF files into BEAM. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. For more information refer to the accompanying LICENSE.txt. ============================================================================= 2. Match-up Extraction Tool ============================================================================= 2.1 System Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GlobColour Tools require a Java JRE 1.5 or higher installed on your system. The 'java' executable also needs to be globally accessible. To verify this open a command line shell and type 'java -version'. You should see an output similar to the following: java version "1.6.0" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing) If 'java' is not found but you jave installed it, make sure it is on your PATH variable, e.g. on Windows SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0 SET PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin 2.2 Installation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unpack the archive to your preferred location, e.g. for Windows unpack to you programs folder. The match-up extraction tool 'gcmt' is located in the '${INSTALL-DIR}/bin' directory. It can be run under Windows (gcmt.bat) and Unix platforms (gcmt). It is recommended that you extend the PATH environment variable by the '${INSTALL-DIR}/bin' folder so that you can use the 'gcmt' tool from any location, e.g. for Windows SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\globcolour-tools-1.4\bin 2.3 Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The syntax of the 'gcmt' command line is as follows: gcmt [] [-c ] [-r] [-d] where - File in CSV format containing in-situ measurements - Directory containing DDS files, default is '.' -c - Sets the configuration file, default is './' -r - Recursively searches for DDS files, default is OFF For the valid entries in the configuration file, please use the template file '${INSTALL-DIR}/'. After a successful run, the tool outputs three files in the same location where the in-situ measurements file is located: 1) _Results.: Contains a record for each pixel in a corresponding macro-pixel in a DDS file matching a measurement in the in-situ file. Each output record comprises the full in-situ record and all sample values of a pixel of the macro-pixel. 2) _ResultsMean.: Contains a record for each corresponding macro-pixel in a DDS file matching a measurement in the in-situ file. Each output record comprises the full in-situ record and the mean sample values of the macro-pixel. 3) _ResultsSummary.: Contains a record for each geo-physical variable. Each output record comprises the summary statistics of a variable such as mean and median ratio and differences. ============================================================================= 3. BEAM Product Reader ============================================================================= 3.1 System Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The BEAM product reader for GlobColour NetCDF files requires BEAM 3.6 or BEAM 3.7 installed on your system. 3.2 Installation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unpack the archive (if not already done, see 2.2). Goto directory '${INSTALL-DIR}/lib' and copy 'globcolour-tools.jar' into the '${BEAM-HOME}/extensions' folder. 3.3 Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next time VISAT is started, you will be able to import GlobColour NetCDF files from the "File/Import" menu. Also the common BEAM tools and processors, e.g. 'pconvert', 'mapproj', the binning and mosaicing processors will now also accept GlobColour NetCDF files as input. ============================================================================= 4. Support ============================================================================= For help regarding installation and usage of this software contact - -