Workshops and Forum


workshop GlobColour / Medspiration user consultation meeting

Agenda & Presentations



Oslo workshop

GlobColour / Medspiration user consultation meeting

Agenda & Presentations



ESRIN workshop

GlobColour / Medspiration user consultation meeting

Agenda & Presentations





ESRIN workshop

ESRIN workshop

Third GlobColour user consultation workshop
in conjunction with Medspiration User consultation


Day 1. Wednesday 19 November 2008 - Medspiration

Session 1: 9.00 - 11.00 Final overview of the Medspiration Project - Chairman: Craig Donlon

  9.00 - Introduction and Management report on Medspiration, Ian Robinson

  9.15 - Report on Medspiration operations 2005-2008, Jean-François Piollé

  9.40 - Report on the Medspiration HR-DDS, David Poulter

  10.00 - The development of the Medspiration MDB, Jean-François Piollé

  10.15 - Review of the overall achievements of Medspiration, Ian Robinson

  10:40 - Discussion - lessons from Medspiration

  11.00 - Coffee

Session 2: 11.30 - 16.30 Impacts of the Medspiration Project Chair: Ian Robinson

  11:30 - Worldwide Impact: The contribution of Medspiration to the evolution of GHRSST, Craig Donlon

  12.00 - European Impact: The contribution of Medspiration towards new European operational SST analysis products, Hervé Roquet

  12.25 - Regional Impacts: Mediterranean use of Medspiration, Rosalia Santoleri

  12.50 - Lunch break

  14.00 - Impact on regional L4 products, Emmanuelle Autret

  14.25 - Media and public impact of Medspiration, Frédéric Le Gall

  14:40 - Impact on data quality - improved AATSR L2P error statistics, Gary Corlett

  15:10 - Impact on ESA data products: future AATSR L2P provision, Nigel Houghton

  15:30 - Discussion - ongoing challenges from Medspiration

  15:45 - Coffee

  16.00 - Legacy of Medspiration and Globcolour within the MCS of Kopernikus - the MyOcean SST and Ocean Colour TACs, MyOcean representative

  16.20 - Discussion - maintaining the momentum of the DUE projects

  16:25 - End of Session 2

Session 3: 16.30 - 18.30 Future Outlooks - Chairman: Olivier Arino

  16.30 - Sentinel-3 OLCI and SLSTR, Craig Donlon (ESA)

  16.55 - ESA Climate Initiative, Olivier Arino

  17.20 - Sea surface temperature ECV V, Chris Merchant

  17.50 - Ocean color ECV, André Morel

  18.15 - Open Discussion

  18:30 - End of session

19h00 - Welcome Cocktail at Villa Grazioli

Day 2. Thursday 20 November 2008 - GlobColour

Session 4: 9:00 - 11.00 - GlobColour progress - Chairman: Simon Pinnock

   9h00 - Odile Fanton d'Andon (ACRI-ST): GlobColour project

   9h30 - Samantha Lavender (UoP/ARGANS): GlobColour Validation

   10h00 - Gilbert Barrot (ACRI-ST): GlobColour Products and data access

   10h20 - André Morel (LOV): New products and perspectives

   10h40 - Coffee break

Session 5: 11.00 - 15.30 - GlobColour applications - Chairman: Antoine Mangin

   11h00 - Samantha Lavender (UoP/ARGANS): GlobColour Users Overview and illustrations

   11h25 - Eric Thouvenot (CNES): International context of GlobColour, as seen from IOCCG

   11h50 - Dave Siegel / Stephane Maritorena (ICESS): Ocean Color CDRs

   12h15 - Antoine Mangin (ACRI-ST): Trends

   12h40 - Open Discussion

   13h00 - Lunch Break

   14h00 - Rosa Barciela (UKMO): Assimilation in HadOCC/FOAM

   14h25 - Abdellatif Orbi (INRH): Use of GlobColour data set in Canarian LME to support halieutic stock Management

   14h50 - Veronica Nieves (ICM/CSIC): Multiscale techniques for the extraction of quantitative information from chlorophyll and SST maps

   15h15 - Coffee


The European Service for Ocean Colour - GlobColour is an ESA Data User Element Project